Green Flag
The Starter will display this flag at the start of each race. It means it's time to get on the gas and begin racing. He will also wave the green after a caution period to signal to the drivers it is time to resume racing.
Yellow Flag
The starter will display the yellow flag in the event there is an on track incident. If there is a crash or spin and the competitors are not able to quickly resume racing, the starter will throw a caution. The drivers on the track will reduce speed and maintain position. The yellow flag condition will remain until the incident is cleaned up and drivers have taken their running position as of the last completed lap prior to the incident.
Red Flag
In the event there is a serious crash, fire, or obstruction completely blocking the track the starter will display the red flag. This signals to the drivers to immediately stop where they are at on the track. Once there situation is resolved the starter will then display the yellow flag and the cars will resume movement.
White Flag
The starter will display the white flag when there is one lap remaining in a race. The starter may also display this flag prior to the start of a race to indicate he will be throwing the green flag the next time the cars come around.
Blue Flag with Diagonal Stripe
This flag is used to indicate to cars that are about to be overtaken by the leader (lapped) that there are lead lap cars approaching and to hold your line as to not interfere with the race for the win.
Black Flag
This flag is displayed when a competitor has been asked the leave the track. This can be for a variety of reasons including: A rules infraction, debris hanging off of the car that may fall off and present a safety hazard, smoke or other signs of an impending mechanical failure, leaking fluid, or unsportsmanlike conduct. When this flag is shown to a driver they are expected to exit the race track as soon as they can safely do so.
Crossed Flags
Two flags shown crossed lets the driver know that they are halfway through the race. If they have been laying back, now is the time to start moving to the front to fight for the win!
Open Hand
This is not the starter greeting the drivers. This signal lets the driver know that there are FIVE laps left in the race.
Checkered Flag
This flag will be displayed at the completion of a race.